Useful Command Line Commands for macOS

Kerberos, LDAP and AD

List of KDC servers:

host -t SRV

List of servers supporting kpasswd service:

host -t SRV

User account attributes from LDAP:

ldapsearch -H "ldap://" -b "dc=us,dc=company,dc=com" -LLL sAMAccountName="accountname"

Show Active Directory settings:

dsconfigad -show

Show user IDs (domain user ID is > 1000):

dscl . -list /Users UniqueID

Get Active Directory Domain details:

sudo plutil -p "/Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Active Directory/<fill_domain_here>.plist"

Bind Mac to Active Directory:

dsconfigad -a name_for_example_serial -u service_account -ou "OU=Macintosh,OU=Computers,DC=company,DC=com" -domain -mobile enable -mobileconfirm enable -localhome enable -useuncpath enable


Show active network adapter:

ifconfig | grep -B 6 'status: active' | head -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1ยง

Nmap cheat sheet

Check count of spesific port (80) socket statuses in 5 second intervals:

while :; do sudo netstat -an|grep ESTABLISHED |grep 80| wc -l; sleep 5; done


Or better yet, list all states for spesific port (80):

while :; do sudo netstat -nat | grep 80 | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n; sleep 5; echo; done

Show all connections:

lsof -i -n

Show all TCP states for spesific port (80):

ss -tan |grep 80

Check if you can connect to a specific server and port (Linux):

echo -n > /dev/tcp/


nc -zv 1234

Check if you can connect to a specific server and port (macOS):

nc -z 1234

or (macOS Mojave)

/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Network\ 1234 1234


Change personal recovery key and escrow the key to MDM if macOS has a proper Configuration Profile installed:

fdesetup changerecovery -personal


Check Java home:


My Linux Java troubleshooting repository with commands that can also be applied to macOS with minor modifications

System Integrity Protection (SIP)

Disable SIP by booting into Recovery Mode (command+R) and starting Terminal:

csrutil disable

Re-enable SIP with DTrace support:

csrutil enable --without dtrace


List available DTrace scripts:

apropos dtrace

My FinMacSysAdmin examples

Kernel Extensions

Find the bundle identifiers of apps that require kernel extension approval:

kextstat | grep -v

Find the Team ID of apps that require kernel extension approval:

sqlite3 /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy

SELECT * FROM kext_policy;

Load / unload kernel extensions:

kextload <kernel_extension>

kextunload <kernel_extension>

iOS and Apple Configurator 2

List serials of all devices that are attached to your Mac:

cfgutil -f get serialNumber | awk -v x=4 '{print $x}'

Report information related to macOS Server caching servers running on the computer or on the local network:


Clean/reformat configuration profile:

security cms -D -i Signed.mobileconfig | xmllint --format - > Unsigned.mobileconfig


List all Configuration Profiles with extended information:

sudo /usr/bin/profiles show -P

List all profiles options:

profiles -h

Renew a certificate payload. Remember to use sudo if you want to renew computer level profile, otherwise leave it out:

sudo profiles -W -p <profile identifier>

Re-check and re-enroll (if necessary) DEP-enabled Mac:

sudo profiles -N

Check computer enrollment status:

profiles status -type enrollment

Print DEP configuration:

profiles -e

Smart Cards

Smart Card testing utility:


ATR value decoder

Certificates and signing

My certificate management notes

List valid identities:

security find-identity -p basic -v

Sign configuration profile:

security cms -S -N "Developer ID Installer: John Doe (A1B1C1D1E1F1)" -i unsigned.mobileconfig -o signed.mobileconfig

Show signing info:

codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Applications/

Sign dmg:

codesign --force -s "Developer ID Application: John Doe (A1B1C1D1E1F1)" MyApp.dmg

Sign package:

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: John Doe (A1B1C1D1E1F1)" TestPic-1.0b.pkg Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Check code signing:

codesign -dv --verbose=4 MyApp.dmg

Check package signature:

pkgutil --check-signature Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Check whether the signature passes GateKeeper test:

spctl -a -v --type install Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Grab certificates from URL:

openssl s_client -connect my.server:443 2>&1 < /dev/null | sed -n '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p' > certificate.pem

Check application signing:

spctl -a -vvvv

Check application entitlements:

codesign -d --entitlements :- /Applications/

List all certificates:

security find-identity -p basic -v

How to create SSH keys and add them to authorized hosts list on the server

Create SSH keys with custom name and passphrase:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

SSH into your host and create .ssh directory with correct rights:

mkdir .ssh

chmod 700 .ssh

Create authorized_keys file to .ssh and add rights:

cd .ssh

touch authorized_keys

chmod 644 authorized_keys

Copy contents of to authorized_keys


Build a package (folder structure TestPic/, TestPic/payload):

pkgbuild --root payload --install-location "/Users/me/Desktop/" --identifier com.github.TestPic --version 1.0 TestPic.pkg

Inspect the package:

lsbom $(pkgutil --bom TestPic.pkg)

Expand the package:

pkgutil --expand TestPic.pkg TestPicExpanded

Install the package:

sudo installer -pkg TestPic.pkg -tgt /

Find all the packages in the path:

pkgutil --pkgs=com.github.*

Inspect the package:

pkgutil --info com.github.TestPic

Inspect what was installed from the package:

pkgutil --files com.github.TestPic

Forget a package:

pkgutil --forget com.github.TestPic

Sign package:

productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: John Doe (A1B1C1D1E1F1)" TestPic-1.0b.pkg Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Check package signature:

pkgutil --check-signature Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Check whether the signature passes GateKeeper test:

spctl -a -v --type install Signed-TestPic-1.0b.pkg

Create a macOS VM for VMWare Fusion

Download and install AutoDMG

Download and install vfuse

Download and install Qemu

Download macOS from Mac App Store, wrap it into a disk image (create an empty dmg using Disk Utility and copy macOS installer there), drag the installer from newly created disk image to AutoDMG and let it convert it.

Create a template:

    "fusion_path": "",
    "source_dmg": "/Users/me/Development/macOS/Mojave/osx-10.14.4-18E226.apfs.dmg",
    "output_dir": "/Users/me/Desktop",
    "output_name": "mojave-vm-10.14.4",
    "cache": false,
    "mem_size": 4096,
    "disk_type": 0,
    "bridged": false,
    "mac_address": "",
    "enable3d": false,
    "vnc_port": 5901,
    "vnc_passwd": "",
    "hw_model": "iMacPro1,1",
    "serial_number": "VMWARE000001"

Create the VM with initial snapshot using vfuse and Qemu:

vfuse --use-qemu /opt/local/bin/qemu-img -t generic_template.json --snapshot

Install and remove app extensions

Install an app extension:

pluginkit -a

Remove an app extension:

pluginkit -r